Wellbeing webinar series for charities

Free wellbeing webinar series for non-profit sector

Wellbeing, mental health, anxiety, burnout and exhaustion are common themes in among leaders the ‘for purpose’  and charity sector, as organisations ride the waves of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts on work/life balance. 

In partnership with CWB, Gembridge offers this free Wellbeing Webinar Series for leaders in the ‘for purpose’ sector. Carli Phillips, a leading Corporate Wellbeing Specialist will share knowledge, insights, practical tools, tips, strategies and watch-outs to help restore balance, reconnect, thrive and to ‘put your own oxygen mask on first’ to lead others.

Wellbeing Webinar Series | FREE
3-part series 
29 July, 5 & 12 August 2020 at 10am (EST) | 45 mins 


Who should attend? ‘For purpose’ leadership including Board Directors, CEO’s, Senior Leadership Teams, General Managers & HR.


Tick of Approval

In an effort to build the public’s trust in charities, the Australian Charities and Non-profit Commission (ACNC) developed the Registered Charity Tick late last year.

This visual stamp of approval can be used by all registered charities to give reassurance to the public that they are transparent, accountable and registered with the ACNC Charity Register.

So, if you are registered with the ACNC – and we certainly hope you are and if not, you’re at least working towards it – it’s something you should take the time to download and use on your website, emails and other marketing materials where possible.

Visit the ACNC website for more information here.

Good Governance is Vital

The Governance Institute of Australia is the only independent professional association with a sole focus on whole-of-organisation governance. Among other things, they provide online knowledge resources with a wealth of guidance on how to think through and manage particular governance issues.

The Institute have prepared a series of Good Governance Guides in governance and risk management specific to the charity sector. These Guides comprise practice that demonstrate good governance in a range of situations including board structure, conflicts of interest and issues to consider when developing a communications policy.

For more information visit their website here.

Helping Financial Officers

The Westpac Davidson Institute is all about helping individuals and community groups build a better financial future. Their new Guide for Community Financial Officers is designed to help financial officers within community organisations take on the role with greater knowledge and confidence.

To download the Guide, visit the Davidson Institute website here.

Effective Board Meetings

An effective board should not necessarily be a comfortable place. Challenge, as well as teamwork, is an essential feature.

This is the advice from the UK’s Financial Reporting Council. An article in the Harvard Business Review recently addressed this comment and talked about how to have productive discussions in board meetings.

The article identifies three key actions that need to happen if you want to improve boardroom discussions. This brief but useful piece is something you should definitely consider circulating with your Directors.

Have a read here.

Good Governance for NFPs

The Australian Institute of Company Directors have produced a fabulous report that is great as a resource for small charities to help them build better Boards.

The Good Governance Principles and Guidance for NFPs is designed to facilitate conversations and activities non-profit organisations undertake to achieve good governance. It focuses on ten key principals including Roles and Responsibilities; Board Composition; Purpose and Strategy; Organisational Performance; Board Effectiveness; Integrity and Accountability; Organisation Building; Culture and Ethics and Engagement.

One suggested way for organisations to use the guide is to focus on each of the ten principles one board meeting at a time.  Alternatively, you could just focus on the particular section that you might be having challenges with.

There is a ‘Questions for Consideration’ section in the book that enables Boards to consider the governance needs for their own organisations.

Download today.